User research for fintech startup
Region: Minsk, Belarus.
Interview goals
In collaboration with a key stakeholder, a list of interview goals was created to understand how people manage their free money, how discounts and exclusive offers affect people's purchase decisions, and to find out more about the motivation and patterns of using credit cards.
Who to talk with
After discussion with a key stakeholder, we defined certain groups of people we want to talk with (10 people in total):

1) Age: 18–23 (1–2), 24–39 (5–6), 40–55 (2–3);
2) Any sex;
3) Uses mobile banking (7), not familiar with technologies (3);
4) Income level: low (3), medium (4), high (3);
5) Has experience in using credit cards (5), debit cards only (5);
6) Has experience of taking part in discount programs (5), doesn't have such experience(5);
Questionary form
Based on initial interview goals, we created a list of specific questions for each goal to get maximum information from respondents. There were created two questionaries:

1) Questionary for personal interviews to get qualitative data;
2) Google form to collect quantitative data.
Interview results
Google questionary form was shared via social networks, so it covered many people from different groups. Some of the highlights showed below.
Personal interview results were collected into one single document. And all of the responses were grouped into three categories: Behavior, Needs, and Challenges.
Based on my research data, I created a table with users' patterns and then distributed respondents according to their responses to find common scenarios.
As a final research artifact, I created a user persona representing the most common users' behavior, needs, challenges, and motivation patterns.
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