Fitbit Wellness Report
The Wellness Report is a great way to start a conversation with a doctor. This feature allows Premium users to get a PDF with a visualization of their health trends over the last 30 days and the last year.
The project's goal was to give Fitbit users the possibility to get a report with an easy-to-read overview of health data, including stats and charts about heart health, weight, sleep, and activity, so they are ready for their checkup conversation with a doctor.
Defining content
At first, we had to define which Fitbit activity and health data are the most useful from a doctor's perspective. So we created a first draft report that included all the data we could export from the Fitbit app and then asked health experts their opinion about certain data types, their visualization, and time scale.

As a result, we got a clear picture of first priority data: resting and daily heart rate trends, weight trends, daily steps and active minutes, sleep duration, stages and schedule, and menstrual cycle trends.

Also, we managed to define the right time scale of the data: detailed 30 days graphs and one-year trend graphs supported by table breakdowns with exact values for 30 days, three months, six months, and one year.
Some of the draft charts tested with doctors
Report structure
Once we understood the most relevant data we should put into the report first, we started working on the design and structure of the document. Key points we took into consideration:

1. Report should fit paper letter format, and each section/category should be placed precisely on one page without division.
2. Report needs to have an overview page with highlights about a user (age, gender, height), their core health metrics trends, and a table of contents for easier navigation.
3. We should apply color and number coding for report sections to support effective communication between patients and doctors.
One of the first drafts we created while trying to find the best way to group and name certain sections
Final visuals
After a number of iterations we finally came up with a proper structure and naming for each section.

Also tests showed us it is useful to have some benchmarks (based on location, age, body parameters, etc.) on the graphs, so Fitbit users as well as doctors might refer to certain considered normal values.
Report final design
In app experience
Wellness Report became the #3 top Premium feature based on Premium features satisfaction analysis.
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