Fitbit Care dashboard redesign
The Fitbit Care engagement platform is a proven way to get employees moving and help them reach their overall health goals. It’s powered by smartwatches, trackers, a mobile app for employees, and an easy-to-use dashboard and reporting tools for employers.

About the platform
With the program dashboard, administrators can readily evaluate program progress and performance. It shows:

  • Continuous program participation levels and engagement data;
  • The proportion of employees meeting, exceeding, or falling below program activity goals;
  • Activity level trends;
  • Group reporting on steps, floors climbed, active minutes, and distance;
  • Challenge results and activity level changes;
  • Individual and group level data is also available for export;
Old version
The old version was a bit messy and unclear for admin users and didn't provide any population activity data and insights (what's the most critical part). Also, overall navigation wasn't really flexible in terms of platform growth.
New version
Considering platform growth, it was decided to create side navigation. The header was decided to keep just for program logo and admin profile-related things.

The first redesign iteration included a complete update of the main page and overall grid and navigation and updates for UI controls such as tabs and filters. Other pages were decided to be put inside the content area as is.
Updated grid and navigation
Specs for navigation components
Updated filters
Example of the inner page where old content was placed inside new navigation
New version for the main page
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